Saturday 26 November 2011


I've been having trouble sleeping recently. It could be the lack of alcohol. It could be Mike's snoring, sweating and flailing. But I think it's mostly down to a severe lack of medication.

About once a month, or on Valentine's day and birthdays we get to sleep like this:

Peaceful, cuddly, perfect.

Most of the time there's lots of jabbing, sleep-punching, kicking and accidental strangulation. We will wake up, toss and turn and fight for the centre of the bed. But most of the time, it just ends up like this:

Monday 21 November 2011


You sit not ten vertical feet from me, under some illusion that I'm not curled up in the dark crying. It is as if you have rejected every ounce of my being. Do you even know how much it fucking hurts or is that all part of you? Blissful ignorance. Surely even you can see that this happened before, and I know you didn't like the six month outcome of that little venture. I can't even have a torrid affair because it would break my fucking heart all over again.
I guess some things are better left untouched. Right?

I don't blame you. I look fucking disgusting. I wouldn't want to fuck me, so why should anyone else. Right?

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Because I have nothing better to do than sip vodka at 3pm and fuck around on my shiny new laptop, today's post is about my cat, Melancholy (answers only to Cat). See, I thought it would be funny to call her Melancholy because she looks a bit like a Border Collie, and I like puns. She is also the happiest, most retarded cat I have ever met. This morning at about four A.M I stepped on her tail, she looked up in horror and then rolled over for a tummy scratch.

She runs into doors at full speed.

 It freaks me the fuck out when cats do that stretchy leg thing. That's not normal. And the sound is what I imaging masturbating with glass paper would sound like.Scratch. Sccrraatch. Scccccrrrratch.

My cat dribbles when it's happy. I've checked online and I'm still pretty convinced my cat has brain damage. We like to fuck with her by sticking random shit to her to see how she will cope. Most of the time she hunches over and creeps around before giving in, accepting her fate as doomed forever and rolling over for tummy scratches.

And at 5 A.M she likes to wake you up by jumping up on the bed, kneading any exposed squishy bits with her claws out and then sitting, wet cat nose on no longer sleeping human's nose. This doesn't go down as well as the cat thinks it should.

But despite being retarded and dribbling a lot, we love her. We do.

I really can't get to grips with drawing using the touch pad. I could plug a mouse, or even a drawing tablet in. But these are my shitty pictures, and they're worth a thousand equally shitty words.

Sunday 6 November 2011


What a hectic month...

I've been pregnant, miscarried and have a birthday to "enjoy". I'm turning 20. No more teenage angst, just plain, slow and flat depression :D

I'm fucking exhausted.

Oh melancholy me.