Wednesday 28 September 2011

Glow in, Blood out.

Tell me all your secrets. Kiss me when it's dark. Do not turn the light on to find your way out.
Send more backup. Make sure I can breathe. Use butterfly stitches.
Spread like a disease between a hooker's legs. Turn the volume up to eleven.
Speak in tongues. Speak without your tongue. Hushed whispers.

Friday 16 September 2011

Ignore this.

I don't really know where I'm going with this one. I wrote it and all the beautiful words are being mocked by my total incapability to not rhyme. It sounds like a fucking children's song. But I'm sure I can take it and re-write it, so I shall put the words here for safekeeping.

A night of virgin solitude
Abetted by some pain
With interlocking interludes
Of tears.
It starts to rain.
I watch the droplets streak
Because they don't watch back
And sing a song that has no words.
The window starts to
One night of sultry solitude
Stays hidden from the sun,
Amidst frenetic symphonies
The darkness
Comes undone.

Aaaand that's all I have. I tried to draw something today. It went in the bin. It was terrible.

Everything sucks at the moment :(

Monday 12 September 2011

These dreams are a nightmare

We kiss, cold skin and warm tears. I try to convince myself that you will never let go. Soft eyes. I wear your lips against my sin, nerves waging a war of static and dormant breath.

... left me somewhat disconnected
almost broken, always running
            never free ...

Your daily charm disarming my emergency alarm setting
Sun's aching, day breaking over me
spilled sunshine into all the pores
said she adores the heat
And once more kisses
so sweet.

Green eyes. Speckled with amber and slight licks of chestnut. Beautiful. I want to cut them out and keep them and never have to share.

Overwhelmed at my death. Underwhelmed by my life.