Monday, 4 May 2009

Life Gives You Lemons, Learn To Love Lemons.

The chances of me ever having kids is slipping into a smaller number by the minute. It doesn't bother me now, but I'm sure it will one day. Until then ^-^. I had fun at Sofa's over the weekend, and we cooked... something relatively pasta based which Sofa can now cook for herself as she watched and poked the whole time. The recipe was a standard tomato sauce, but if we hadn't been drinking and starving it probably would have had a much nicer flavour :P. We killed five bottles of wine and a 70CL bottle of 45% Import Strength Smirnoff, and subsequently fell into a deep comatic boozenap. Photos can be seen on Facebook.
My tune of the day is I Feel Like Dying- Lil Wayne. And the photos of the day are as follows:
The sky from my garden last year. I have such a poetic soul, this photo makes me all teary eyed just because of the intensity of the blue-ness of dusk.

And maybe a poem...

Thoughts are tumbling,
Waiting for tremors
to shake this shivering
Pity me, gathering.
Attempting breathing as the world lies
And we stay shuddering in fear-
This year is repeating.
Reactions are cluttering
Speakers are stuttering
Crescendos are happening
This year is repeating.
Locked away, children are whispering
Huddling and coddling, in the dark
Fumbling for a light we're
Relinquishing nothing
Since this year is repeating.

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