Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Grouchy Grizzler

Last night was real fun. I was in a grouchy-er'an hell mood all day, and so naturally I got two shags instead of one :D. Nothing like lots of fucking to bring a woman back up. I don't know what it is but I've been so irritable these last few weeks, not to mention pretty depressed. So, true to form Mike set out to make me less of a grizzlecunt by buying booze and junk food, making me play resi5 (damn you :P), dressing up in drag, tickling and prodding and just... trying I guess. He also mentioned something about going on a date, but I can't expect anything 'cause he's let me down so much.

Alex is on her crusade of sunshine in a mass attempt to cheer and enlighten all her friends. Something about acid and gardens... Who knows. I would feel pretty sexy about it if I could bear to look in the mirror at the moment.
Self confidence T minus two seconds.
Social awkwardness at 68%.
Reclusion at 100%.

1 comment:

  1. there's too many ironies in this post, starting with certain someone dressing up in drag and ending with the sunshine crusade being lead by a peruvian...
