Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Junkfood Junkie

Things I love to chow down on when everyone is out the house, away for the weekend or in deep sleep.

Scrambled eggs with soysauce and bbq sauce slathered very liberally, black pepper and buttered untoasted bread.

Anything else i can put soysauce on.

Prawn stirfry, light on the sesame oil (people always put too much in! It's potent) but plenty of soysauce in the noodle water as it soaks up. Fresh spring onion and other raw veg, some raw and some cooked garlic, always plenty of (pre fried) tofu mixed in. Deep fried shallots. Vegetable stock on the side.

Any strange curry mixture I procure from the cupboards. They're getting pretty fucking good :D

Brown rice with salty sweet carrots. This is a bit odd I guess? I get unusual cravings.

Rainbow trout. 'Nuff said.

Marmite on toast, Earl Grey, soymilk. Mmmhmmm.

Spaghetti, red sauce with no particular tomato flavour, heaps of pecorino, black pepper. That is true comfort food to me.

Tiramisu without cream.

A rare/blue steak fried in such hot oil that the outside goes salty and crispy, the inside raw warm and bloody. No pre-salting, just a little pepper or ground mustard seeds. I feel naughty now :D

Cheese in mash. I don't like cheese, and it doesn't much like me. But oh my does it do carby starches bad things.

Slop. This is soya protein/any meat - lamb or very tender ground beef works best, onions cooked in butter, gravy granules, wine, passata, pepper and sometimes cooking lime leaves too. It's basic sloppy joe look with school food flavour in a home-y kind of way. Mint works so well with lamb you wish they fed on eachother to just infuse something orgasmic :(

Haagen Daaz vanilla icecream with frenchfries mixed in.

Lemon sorbet.

Avocado and lots of lemon salt and pepper.

Poached eggs with smoked salmon, but placed quickly so the salmon starts cooking on the egg. Ridiculous amounts of black pepper.

Cheese on toast with lea & perrins.

Lemon drizzle cake - only Matron can make it properly so I'll pine for the rest of my life -_-

Apple laces with that funky filling.

Rainbow belts.

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