Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Solutions to Problems

I am back on the vegan wagon. Ok, so I ate pork last night. But this food poisoning has made me all the more decisive.

I'm going to make myself some promises.

I will eat a salad with every lunch.
I will eat a piece of fruit every day.
I will go for a walk every day.
I will snack regularly.
I will try to avoid frying food.
I will sit down to a meal with somebody at least once a day.

Today, after more porkly goodness I resolved to keep these promises. Lunch was a casual quiet affair - a mixed greek style salad bound with yoghurt and a drizzle of honey, some crackers, a slice of toast with mushroom antipasti and a arugula salad with a little olive oil. A glass of white wine. It would have been rude not to. Delicious.

I think I shall make some pizza dough.

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