Sunday, 24 April 2011

Oh Dear.

It's just one of those nights. Everyone is swarming in my head because I haven't had enough alcohol to become wrapped in a comatose sleep, and they're being bad little girls and boys. Putting their fingers and itchy teeth into my doubts and worries. Concentrate hard enough on writing here and keep focused. This is the way. No one's going anywhere. Oh god now I don't know if that's good or bad. Oh dear. Another anxiety attack. Even the bear gave me one today, I mean... urgh. Talk about getting worse. I'll probably see him and throw up and have a spontaneous nosebleed. Anxiety girl, she stays in her room, in the dark, hyper...venti...laaaaating.

You know how I know I'm tired? My brain just referred to ellipses as prolapses. *snark* Oh you, silly brain. That's not how grammar works. Spend less time trolling forums :)

Hurrrmkay. Let's see. What can I think about that isn't:
a) The next alcoholic beverage dispensing human
2) The fact that I need a haircut and earrings... and a wash.
four) The stomach fat resting on my thighs.
potato) The acne which has decided to sprawl across my cleavage and up my chest to attack my neck. Of all the fucking places acne, why be such a dick?

You know what, I don't feel any better. That didn't help. Please don't let them take me to the detox clinic O_O
I want to stay here and be a fat depressed alcoholic.
All alone in a corner.
And never get fucked eight times a day by the bear until it's almost like surfing a constant wave of ... Where was I? Right. Eternal misery ^_~

I'm sure I'll be fine once they stuff me full of pills :)
I love pills.

Do these! I'm on level thirty-fucking-seven.

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