Sunday, 15 February 2009

Hangovers, Chicory, Marmite.

Today I'm recovering from a chaotic night out with Mike and Ebony, and I have to admit it was rather fun. I received a potted shrubbery from Mike, and he got his card and some candy. Ebony and I stayed in til nine feeling not so hungry, knocking back copious amounts of Cava. We then adjourned to Greenwich, drank more... and more.. Ebony sucked face with a manatee, and then ran away like a scared little bitch, shortly after falling head over heels for Eve. Hopeless much..? 
We got to our various homes at some hazy hour in the AM, crawling into bed. (Mike FYI we didn't wake up Jan :P). 
This morning I was hungover, as were my counterparts ^-^. I milled around, stayed in bed and ate strawberry pudding(s), Frosties, toast and chips watching Come Dine With Me, and felt pretty sorry for myself. Having finished another half of wine and a beer, I felt better and cooked a Sunday roast:
Rosemary Roasted Potatoes (Rosemary, Garlic, Oil, Salt)
Garlic & White Wine Braised Leeks (Roasted Garlic, Parboiled Leeks, Oil, Salt, White Wine, Black Pepper)
Nutroast (Ketchup, Bread, Cashew, Hazel, Pine and Walnuts, Parsley, Bouillon) (sticky even after an HOUR in 220 deg, but very tasty)
Mushroom Gravy (HP Sauce, Ketchup, Marmite, Bouillon, Water, Beer, Onions, Chinese Mushrooms)
Minted Peas (Mint, Peas, Butter)

It's a shame about the nutroast - it really was good. The gravy was NOMNOMNOM - a dark rich gravy with chewy slices of deep mushroomy goodness and soft onions. It went perfectly over the crisp potatoes :) Yes.. porny foodness. 
So now I feel rather full X_x, Jan hasn't touched hers but I can't be bothered to argue. Mike won't be back for a while and my shrub wants for nothing.


  1. Nutroast is nice abit sticky i think, i dont like it when its too dry xP
    and thankyou for that recount of my night =P
    if you'd have got with the manatee you would run
    especially how much he was following me!!

  2. You can put beer in GRAVY!?
    *dies of sheer bliss*
